Experience the captivating world of Axel Crieger art, where thought-provoking and amusing creations come to life. Through unexpected juxtapositions, Crieger weaves a curious and compelling narrative that explores the "grammar of glamour," as hailed by Entertainment Weekly (New York).

From Axel Crieger's No 5 images to his mesmerizing Audrey Hepburn portraits, each artwork is united by its iconic status and undeniable beauty. In the tradition of Andy Warhol, Crieger adds to the myth and allure surrounding these timeless brands.

Embark on a journey of aesthetic discovery as you explore our stunning collection of Axel Crieger's masterpieces. Immerse yourself in the world of artistry and elegance today.

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SKU: AC003 Category:

Additional information

Size 85 × 95 cm
Material Plexiglass