Introducing the maestro of multiple realms: Jaime Ibarra! This Spanish-born virtuoso is not just a graphic designer – he’s also a mesmerizing flamenco guitarist and an unstoppable fountain of creativity. From the sun-kissed shores of Spain to the vibrant landscapes of Australia, Jaime's journey has now rooted him in the heart of Austin, Texas.

Trading the commercial constraints of photography, Jaime delved deep into the soulful abyss of fine art photography. The mesmerizing worlds he crafts? Credit goes to Photoshop, a tool he masterfully wields to spin tales of magic. Whether you're aspiring to learn or perfect your skills, you’re in for a treat as Jaime also offers workshops and courses on this very tool!

But wait, there's a twist! For this artistic genius, it's never about the sales. It's always, purely, passionately, about the art. The creation. The exhilaration of bringing imagination to life.

What's his secret sauce? Synaesthesia. Jaime doesn’t just see the world – he feels it, hears it in vibrant hues, and transmutes it onto his canvas. One gaze at his iconic “Woman with Butterflies” series, and you're transported into a vivid dream; a realm where women, enigmatic with their soul-piercing gazes, are enveloped in a dance of brilliant butterflies.

From the intensity in the eyes of his models to the dynamic postures he intricately selects, Jaime Ibarra’s work is nothing short of a visual symphony.


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Size 100 × 66 cm
Material Plexiglass